четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

Томас Мустер повторно объявил о завершении теннисной карьеры

Экс-первая ракетка мира 43-летний Томас Мустер объявил о том, что завершит теннисную карьеру в октябре после выступления на турнире в родной Австрии, сообщает АП.

Возвращение Мустера в профессиональный спорт спустя 11 лет состоялось летом 2010 года. Он без особого успеха отыграл на ряде турниров категории "Челленджер" и потерпел поражения в обоих проведенных матчах на турнирах Ассоциации теннисистов-профессионалов (АТР).

Мустер, сейчас занимающий 847-е место в рейтинге АТР, получит wild card для участия в турнире в Вене, стартующем 22 октября.

Признанный мастер по игре на грунте за свою карьеру завоевал 44 титула АТР в одиночном разряде, включая победу на "Ролан Гаррос"-95.

Кубок Дэвиса. Россияне сыграют в Австрии

Первым соперником сборной России по теннису в 1/4 финала Мировой группы розыгрыша Кубка Дэвиса сезона-2012/2013 станет команда Австрии. Так решила жеребьевка, прошедшая в столице Таиланда Бангкоке. Ранее россияне с австрийцами на высшем уровне не играли.

Встреча пройдет 10-12 февраля 2012 года, хозяевами площадки будут наши соперники из Австрии. В других парах сыграют: Испания - Казахстан, Канада - Франция, Швейцария - США, Чехия - Италия, Сербия - Швеция, Япония - Хорватия, Германия - Аргентина.

Напомним, что россияне остались в Мировой группе Кубка Дэвиса , в трудной борьбе переиграв в Казани соперников из Бразилии. Австрийцы тоже отстояли право остаться в элите, одержав победу в матче плей-офф над командой Бельгии.

Ранее сборная России с командой Австрии в неофициальном командном чемпионате мира никогда не встречалась. В советской истории сборная СССР дважды выигрывала у австрийцев в 1981 и 1984 году.

В финале нынешнего розыгрыша турнира, как уже сообщали Вести.Ru, 2-4 декабря встретятся команды Аргентины и Испании.

Google+ набирает обороты

Корпорация Google сделала два больших анонса. Во-первых, объявила об открытии регистрации в Google+ для всех пользователей, и, во-вторых, дала возможность с мобильных телефонов присоединяться к видеочатам в Hangout.

Теперь по порядку. Для регистрации в Google+ теперь не нужно особое приглашение от уже посвященных пользователей. Точную цифру зарегистрированной аудитории Google скрывает, но, по данным Comscore, у Google+ - 25 миллионов уникальных посетителей в месяц. Количество грандиозное для соцсети, которой от роду - всего три месяца.

За стремительным ростом количества пользователей в Google+ с интересом наблюдала сетевая общественность. И в условиях скрытности интернет-гиганта пыталась самостоятельно считать прирост и активность пользователей. Например, техноблог Techcrunch анализировал сервис, который позволяет учитывать кросс-постинг сообщений в Google+ и в Twitter. И выяснилось, что активность пользователей в соцсети постоянно снижается.

Похоже, люди регистрируются, пробуют сервис "на вкус", оставляют пару сообщений, чтобы понять, как он работает, и уходят. Некоторые, навсегда. По данным аналитической компании Bime Analytics, около 83% пользователей новой социальной сети Google+ вообще не проявляют никакой активности.

Кроме того, больше половины зарегистрированных пользователей Google+ посещают ресурс не чаще одного раза в неделю.

Между тем, корпорация Брина и Пэйджа старательно разрабатывает новые функции и обновления для Google+, которые, по идее, должны привлекать новых пользователей. Как заявлено в официальном блоге Google, за три месяца существования сети было разработано 91 обновление. И сегодня - в день открытых для всех дверей - в Google+ появились еще несколько новых функций.

Во встроенном видеочате Hangout появилась возможность присоединяться к видеоразговору прямо с телефона. Эту функцию назвали "Видеовстречи". Например, просматривая свою ленту сообщений, вы видите, что ваши друзья или коллеги беседуют в видеочате, и просто нажимаете кнопку "Присоединиться".

В процессе теста этой опции, обнаружена еще одна интересная функция. Оказывается, пользователь может с одного аккаунта вещать сразу с ноутбука и телефона - камеры будут переключаться автоматически. Выглядит, впечатляюще. Пока эта функция доступна смартфонам на ОС Android. В ближайшем будущем появится и на iOS. И вот как раз такой сервис может заинтересовать пользователей, и они станут чаще посещать соцсеть. Хотя подобные сервисы в последнее время стали модным трендом, и видеочат, доступный в том числе с мобильного телефона есть уже и в Facebook, и в "Одноклассниках".

четверг, 8 сентября 2011 г.

Как работает биржа Betfair!

Вполне возможно, что многим читателям совершенно не нужно объяснять, что из себя представляет популярная спортивная биржа Betfair. Однако, наверняка есть и такие, которые впервые услышали об этом Интернет-ресурсе и попытаются стать участником процессов пари между игроками.
Для них предлагаю пройти по ссылке и посмотреть видеоролик о том, что же представляет из себя данная биржа.


среда, 7 сентября 2011 г.

Зарисовки на ночь

День был тяжелый и все устали...

US Open, ставки на сегодня

07.09. 19:00 Isner J. - Simon G.
Эти два персонажа никогда не встречались прежде, но от этого их матч не становится менее интересным. 21/9 у Большого Джона и 18/7 у Симона на покрытии, где проходит турнир. При этом нужно принять во внимание антропометрические показатели и выносливость. Я думаю все прекрасно помнят, кто именно из этих могучих парней играл с Маю на траве. Домашние трибуны добавляют плюсов американцу. Да и сам по себе он неплох. Сможет ли Симон принимать Джона так долго, как это делал Маю – вопрос, ответ на который для меня очевиден. Но, рисковать в ставках мы не станем, поэтому берем доездное.
Наш выбор: Lay Simon 3-0

07.09. 19:00 Djokovic N. - Tipsarevic J.
История личных встреч 2-0 в пользу того, кто «не так хорош». Тут как бы не возникает даже вопросов для обсуждения. Победу Джоковича в пресс и фору по сетам.
Наш выбор: П1 1.03, Ф1 по сетам(-1.5) 1.13

08.09. 03:00 Federer R. - Tsonga J.
Роджер, похоже, настроен решительно. Устроил публичную порку Монако. Хочется верить, что вернет должок и Цонге.
Наш выбор: П1 1.4

07.09. 19:00 Stosur S. - Zvonareva V.
История личных встреч 7-2 в пользу австралийки. Но наша спортсменка упорная, и текущая форма у нее подходящая для борьбы.
Наш выбор: Выиграет хотя бы один сет Звонарева В.: Да 1.29

07.09. 21:00 Kerber A. - Pennetta F.
Кербер каким то чудом проникла так далеко по сетке на турнире. Флавии по силам остановить это торжественное шествие. Даже несмотря на то, что кто-то увидел ее якобы сильный износ на во время последнего выступления.
Наш выбор: П2 1.37

07.09. 21:00 Wozniacki C. - Petkovic A.
К настоящему моменту игровое соотношение следующее: у Каролин - 29/6 и у Петкович - 28/8. Но, как бы ни называли первую ракетку мира «дутышем», она удерживает свое место в рейтинге и не собирается так легко его отдавать. Да, Петкович в хорошей форме, но и Каролин не на пике, играет с запасом.
Наш выбор: П1 1.46

08.09. 01:00 Williams S. - Pavlyuchenkova A.
Что до истории личных встреч, то она не очень разнообразна и содержательна. В 2010 году во Франции Серена обыграла Настю в упорном поединке (6-1 1-6 6-2). На текущий момент 16/1 у Серены и 23/10 у Павлюченковой. При этом Серена, как мне кажется, находится в более оптимальном состоянии, так как провела на кортах меньше времени, но с большим эффектом. Настроена она решительно и Настя совершит ошибки, которые Серена с удовольствием превратит в свои очки.
Наш выбор: П1 1.08

вторник, 6 сентября 2011 г.


Ну отлично! Наконец-то, сегодня удалось реализовать то, что нужно было сделать давным-давно. Я имею в виду, отладить блог таким образом, чтобы на главной странице показывалось не все сообщение, а лишь его часть. Основная же часть должна оставаться под катом. Это сделано, так что "простыней" на главной странице теперь не будет - все будет надежно спрятано под надписью "Читать далее..."

День должен завершаться на позитиве...

US Open Day 9 Preview

Young vs. Murray: One of four American men to reach the second week, the USTA’s prodigal son has delivered the most surprising sequence of victories. Inciting a sudden surge of hope, the formerly discarded Young upset Wawrinka in a fifth-set-tiebreak encounter that may have represented a crossroads in his career. Just as important was his ability to follow up that potential breakthrough with a convincing victory over Chela, a veteran who could have exploited a novice’s hangover. But Young has tantalized fans before by launching putative breakthroughs before slipping back into frustrating underachievement. At Indian Wells this spring, for example, he stunned a listless Murray in straight sets with opportunistic play and deft touch in the forecourt. Then, he won just three games from the pedestrian Robredo.

When he enters Arthur Ashe for the first time in his career, this charismatic American will gain courage from the enthusiastic support of his compatriots. A similar dynamic could not vault either Christina McHale or Sloane Stephens to unexpected victories, however, while Murray will relish the prospect of revenge. Reversing his Miami defeat to Bogomolov during the US Open Series, the Scot will fancy his chances of halting Young’s aspirations with the same steady, stingy game that has proved impregnable against all but the most volatile shot-makers. Still without an imposing serve, Young will not win many free points from his delivery and thus will engage in rally after rally during his service games. Few players can outmaneuver or outlast Murray when at his best, for the Scot displayed his unsurpassed fitness once again in a five-set comeback against Robin Haase. As his victory over Lopez proved, the fourth seed does not struggle with the distinctive traits of a lefty style, and Young cannot trouble him from behind the baseline.

Muller vs. Nadal: Extending the world #2 to two tiebreaks at Wimbledon, the pride of Luxembourg even held set points against the Spaniard in the first set. His wickedly slicing lefty serve threw Nadal off balance on the skidding grass, yet Muller has spent much of the season at the challenger level upgrading his ranking inside the top 70. A quarterfinalist in his last appearance at the US Open, three years ago, he has found these fast hard courts suited to his serve-volley tactics in upsets over baseliners like Almagro and Davydenko. Recovering from a one-set deficit against Los Angeles champion Gulbis, Muller has won all three of his tiebreaks at this year’s US Open and probably will concentrate upon holding his serve until he reaches the thirteenth game. This (very) poor man’s Karlovic should not threaten Nadal in most return games, allowing the Spaniard to settle into a rhythm that will elevate his confidence.

Short of confidence for most of the summer, Rafa will have mounted in self-belief after a victory over Nalbandian that included a pair of tightly contested sets. After he fell behind almost immediately, the second seed unleashed some of his vintage passing shots to recoup his losses. His signature shot at many of his victories over Federer, those passing shots will prove vital to his efforts in dispatching this opponent without undue drama. If the breeze continues to whip around Arthur Ashe, the conditions should favor the player who strikes balls with greater margin and relies less upon a single point-ending blow. Often most vulnerable in the early rounds of majors, Nadal has benefited from a comfortable draw that has enabled him to settle into the tournament. Unless Muller serves at an exceptionally high percentage, the defending champion will chip away at his questionable fitness and even more questionable consistency until his rough-hewn game crumbles.

Ferrer vs. Roddick: When they collided in a Davis Cup quarterfinal this year, neither the home crowd nor the fast indoor surface could salvage a set for Roddick against the ATP’s most notable grinder. Back in the top 5 as Soderling staggers, Ferrer left scant impact upon the US Open Series but rolled through the first week while conceding only a solitary set. Even on hard courts, the Spaniard has earned repeated success against the American with two 2007 victories at Masters 1000 tournaments. His expert returning skills should defuse Roddick’s dwindling serve, no longer the mighty juggernaut that intimidated all but Federer. Despite the serve-friendly surface in New York, the 2003 champion has won his first three matches more through consistency and court coverage than by immense serving.

Having played only two matches since Wimbledon, Roddick seemed relieved to have reached the second week at the US Open for the first time in three years. He has progressed to this stage past a pair of Americans and the erratic Benneteau, competition much less challenging than the tenacity with which Ferrer assaults his opponents. Although his serve remains arguably the worst in the top 20, this fearless Spaniard will reap rewards by pounding his inside-out forehand into the American’s backhand corner, which produces few penetrating shots and virtually no offense. In order to impose himself upon Ferrer, Roddick must flatten his forehand to add the additional jolt of pace that can carry it past this dogged retriever. Outside his serve, he will struggle to either outhit or outlast the Spaniard without adopting a more aggressive attitude and striking the ball earlier than he has shown for most of this season. On the stadium where he lifted the trophy eight long years ago, can Roddick recapture the explosive hitting that won him his greatest achievements?

Kerber vs. Pennetta: One of these lucky women will become a Slam semifinalist for the first time. On the other hand, Pennetta has earned this opportunity not just with luck but with an unexpected level of determination that caused a major upset over Sharapova and a minor upset over Peng. Overcoming bouts of fallibility and a wobbly stomach in the latter match, the Italian now eyes a formerly anonymous lefty in her first Slam quarterfinal. Unfamiliar to all but the most dedicated fans, Kerber has spent most of her career toiling on outer courts, in qualifying draws, and in tiny events scattered around the world. Yet she has plowed through a section once inhabited by Kvitova and Radwanska, defeating the latter opponent in three sets. The German lefty’s serve and cross-court forehand curl effectively towards a right-hander’s backhand corner, but Pennetta moves smoothly in that direction and should withstand that modest pressure comfortably. A former quarterfinalist in New York, she has tasted victory against both of her potential semifinal opponents in important match, but she cannot afford to think too far ahead against an adversary who defines the cliché “nothing to lose.” Unlike her previous two victories, Pennetta enters this match as the clear favorite. How will she respond to this different dynamic?

Zvonareva vs. Stosur: In one of the oddest head-to-head records among the WTA top 10, Stosur has won her last seven meetings with the 2010 US Open finalist. Seemingly unnerved by the Australian’s heavy serve, Zvonareva mastered a similar test with aplomb when she dismissed the equally imposing serve of Lisicki. Striking her groundstrokes more confidently than she has since the Australian Open, the world #2 pinned her opponent behind the baseline with suffocating depth. Although Lisicki did little to ruffle Zvonareva’s fragile nerves, she responded calmly to a potential turning point when she faced triple break point early in the second set. In contrast to her flustered exit at Wimbledon, her US Open performance to date has not suggested that she feels undue pressure to repeat last year’s result.

Finally relevant again after a dismal first half, Stosur built upon reaching the Rogers Cup final to record inspired victories over a pair of Russians, Petrova and Kirilenko. Able to run around her meek backhand with surprising success on this fast surface, the former Roland Garros runner-up has inspired comparisons to the leading men with her serve-forehand combinations. Once she gains the ascendancy in a rally, her opponents have struggled to survive more than a few of her explosive forehands. In Zvonareva, however, she confronts a mover more agile and a ball-striker more solid than either of her two previous victims. Likely to test Stosur’s lateral movement, the Russian should display the pace and placement necessary to expose that well-concealed backhand. By contrast, the Australian should attempt to close off points at the net whenever she gains the opportunity, preventing Zvonareva from restarting the rally. If their exchanges last more than a few shots, the Russian’s superior footwork and consistency should snap her seven-match losing streak against Stosur, who may lack energy after enduring consecutive marathons in the previous two rounds. If this match also escalates into a final set, however, one might hand the psychological advantage to the Australian.

понедельник, 5 сентября 2011 г.

US Open Day 8 Preview

Pavlyuchenkova vs. Schiavone: A tiebreak from defeat in the previous round, the flamboyant Italian has grown accustomed to suspenseful three-setters during a year filled with epic encounters. Among her more memorable triumphs was her quarterfinal duel with Pavlyuchenkova at Roland Garros, during which she lost 10 of the first 12 games. In that whiplash-inducing rollercoaster, Schiavone then squandered a 5-1 lead in the final set, only to capture the two games that she needed. At last year’s US Open, the Italian prevailed much less dramatically over a teenager who slumped through a second half of injuries and double faults. Tested by rising Croat Petra Martic in the second round, Pavlyuchenkova enjoyed a more tranquil passage against 2008 finalist Jankovic, troubled by a back injury.

In a battle of youthful vigor against veteran cunning, the Russian will aim to take time away from Schiavone with penetrating cross-court groundstrokes into the corners that set up mild mid-court replies. Not especially comfortable at the net, “Nastia” possesses the firepower to end points from the baseline or with a routine drive volley. Unlike most practitioners of first-strike tennis, however, she has not honed an overwhelming serve or an especially explosive return. Those shortcomings have forestalled Pavlyuchenkova from mounting higher in the rankings, but they may not hamper her against an opponent unremarkable in those categories herself. An all-court artist who excels at tying her opponents in knots, Schiavone darted and dodged to consecutive Roland Garros finals by improvising unexpected gambits. If she can parry Pavlyuchenkova’s initial assault, she might unsettle the relatively one-dimensional novice for the third time in five Slams.

Ivanovic vs. Serena: Thrilled to reach the second week of the US Open for the third time, Ivanovic relished the experience of playing under the lights of Arthur Ashe as her thunderous forehand crackled through the sport’s largest arena. From her victory over American hope Sloane Stephens emerged flashes of her vintage form, especially her ability to dictate play from her stronger groundstroke while shielding her weaker wing. On this fast surface, this challenging task will grow ever more demanding when the smiling Serb confronts the greatest player in this era of women’s tennis. Superior to Ivanovic in virtually all departments of the game, Serena sharpened her weapons with a victory over world #4 Azarenka that began as a rout and would have ended in that fashion had not one of her backhands landed an inch or two wide. Drama then ensued, but the 13-time Slam champion enjoys nothing more than drama and once again demonstrated her superiority to the WTA’s next generation.

Likely to experience less suspense in this round, Serena will thrive whenever she directs her backhand into Ivanovic’s two-hander, a neutral shot at best and often a liability against elite competition. Although the American has lost serve only once in the tournament, Ana still should swing freely on her returns in the effort to seize the initiative immediately in rallies. Should she not deliver that first strike, Serena’s more natural athleticism will offer her few opportunities to assert herself thereafter, and the Serb will not win many points from her defensive abilities. In her three fourth-round appearances at the fourth jewel in the sport’s crown, Ivanovic has drawn the daunting trio of Clijsters and the Williams sisters. Giggling with disarming charm when the media discussed her next opponent, the clear-eyed Serb knows the magnitude of the task ahead and likely lacks the confidence to convince herself that she can conquer it.

Tsonga vs. Fish: Heavy are the expectations that rest upon the top-ranked American man, especially in a tournament where many of his compatriots have surpassed their projected results. Joined in the second week by Roddick, isner, and Donald Young, Fish continues to generate the most anticipation following a summer of two small titles, a Masters 1000 final, and a first career victory over Nadal. Yet his performances to this stage have not inspired great confidence, littered with routine unforced errors and missed first serves. In the previous round against Kevin Anderson, Fish needed four set points to seal the first set and five more to seal the second. Hitting consecutive double faults at 5-4, 40-15 in the first set, he conceded consecutive backhand unforced errors at 5-4, 40-15 in the second set before losing his serve with another wayward groundstroke. Unable to finish the match more emphatically, Fish instead came within a few points of losing the third set as well.

Not known for his competitive steeliness, Tsonga has advanced more confidently against arguably more imposing competition, including an authoritative straight-sets victory over former nemesis Verdasco. Perhaps still buoyed by his Wimbledon semifinal, the Frenchman has struck even his less imposing backhand with conviction. Nevertheless, Fish should hope to arrange rallies from backhand to backhand rather than forehand to forehand, for his two-hander should break down Tsonga’s stroke under sustained pressure. As one ponders the seismic serves on both sides of the net, one wonders how many rallies in fact will develop. Both players typically establish unrelenting control over a point from the first ball, while neither transitions impressively from defense to offense. Still without a Slam semifinal, Fish has yet to prove that he can translate his ascendancy from best-of-three tournaments to majors.

Wozniacki vs. Kuznetsova: In a fourth-round night match two US Opens ago, this pair of pleasant personalities waged a gripping war of attrition that culminated in a third-set tiebreak. The 2004 champion showcased her natural athleticism in extended exchanges during which she steadily outmaneuvered the Dane from the baseline during the first set and a half. As many of Wozniacki’s more recent opponents have discovered, the precision required to execute that strategy throughout an entire match eventually eluded Kuznetsova, fallible as always when the pressure peaked. Since that crossroads, their careers have diverged in opposite directions with the Dane soaring to the top ranking and the Russian lurching to perplexing loss after perplexing loss. Reflecting their relative fortunes are their last two meetings, during which Sveta won nine total games from a steady opponent who needed no more than patience and consistency to outlast her.

Despite losing to anonymous foes like Begu, Arn, and Halep at non-majors, Kuznetsova has saved some of her best tennis in 2011 for the most important tournaments on the calendar. Reaching the Roland Garros quarterfinals, she dispatched Henin into retirement at the Australian Open and then collaborated with Schiavone on the WTA match of the year. The glittering lights of Arthur Ashe might spur her to unleash something memorable against an opponent in a state of flux. Although she survived the first week with minimal difficulty, Wozniacki pursues her first major under constantly increasing scrutiny and with correspondingly increasing uncertainty over the best means to that end. Only by staying within herself can she earn more opportunities to justify her ascendancy.

Djokovic vs. Dolgopolov: A classic example of the dark horse who can defeat almost anyone or lose to almost anyone at almost any time, Dolgopolov has recorded victories over Tsonga (twice), Soderling, Ferrer, and Wawrinka this year. Yet he also has lost to Potito Starace, Jarkko Nieminen, Jose Acasuso, and Carlos Berlocq in 2011. The last of those names should sound familiar, for it belongs to the opponent whom Djokovic mercilessly devoured in a second-round victory somewhere between exhibition and execution. After reaching the Australian Open quarterfinals and excelling in the South American clay tournaments, Dolgopolov faded throughout the spring and summer before reaching his nadir with a first-round Wimbledon loss to Gonzalez. With nowhere to go but upwards, the Ukrainian then won Umag and ousted the similarly budding Dimitrov at Winston-Salem. His second-week appearance here comes as little surprise, therefore, while his ability to physically and mentally survive the towering serve of Karlovic in the third round bodes well for his future.

A carefree character who plays an effortless brand of tennis, Dolgopolov should not flinch from the towering odds confronting him against a player who has lost only one match to a player outside the top 20 since Wimbledon last year. So overwhelming is Djokovic’s dominance that his resounding win over Davydenko, a former top-5 talent, seemed imperfect as well as unremarkable. The best mover in the ATP, the world #1 should track down the spectacular angles that Dolgopolov creates with his sprawling retrievals, ultimately driving his challenger into attempting the impossible. Beforehand, though, a series of court-stretching rallies and scrambles to and from the forecourt should unfold.

US Open News

Novak Djokovic looks to win his 61st match of the season and earn a spot in the U.S. Open quarterfinals on Monday. Up next for the world No. 1 is Alexandr Dolgopolov.