воскресенье, 29 августа 2010 г.

Петиция против коррупции и договорных матчей в российском футболе/ Against corruption and fixed matches in Russian Football


Президенту УЕФА Мишелю Платини,

Уважаемый господин Платини,
Мы, многомиллионные российские болельщики, как и другие европейцы, любящие футбол и считающие, что Российский футбольный союз (РФС), состоящий в ФИФА и УЕФА, обязан подчиняться принципам честной игры (fair play), возмущены ситуацией, сложившейся в современном российском футболе.
Ни для кого не секрет, что время от времени в обществе циркулируют слухи о странных матчах в премьер-лиге - в высшем дивизионе чемпионата России по футболу. Слухи стали подтверждаться 28 августа 2010 г. в матче 19 тура ЧР «Амкар» (Пермь) – «Ростов» (Ростов-на-Дону). За несколько дней до матча общественности стало известно от букмекеров, принимающих ставки на игры, о возможном договорном матче между этими двумя клубами, занимающими по состоянию на 27 августа 2010 г., соответственно, 14 и 5 места в турнирной таблице. Однако ставка на победу более слабой команды, еще до матча стала массовой: на победу «Амкара», идущего в таблице 14м из 16ти, болельщики без видимых оснований уверенно ставили в 8 раз чаще (!), чем на победу «Ростова», идущего пятым, т.е. в зоне УЕФА. Ряд букмекерских контор сняли матч с линии. Специалисты предрекали, что российскому футболу следует ждать договорной матч, который заведомо выиграет «Амкар». Спортивные СМИ обратили на эту странную ситуацию внимание РФС, который направил на матч комиссара и потребовал от команд показать честный футбол.
Однако 28 августа 2010 г. матч, состоявший в Перми, подтвердил опасения специалистов: «Амкар» выиграл с минимальным счетом 1:0, при этом игроки «Ростова» за 90 минут нанесли по воротам соперника 1 удар в сторону ворот (0! ударов в створ). Возмутительный спектакль, продемонстрированный обеими командами, заставляет российских болельщиков призвать УЕФА, как высшую инстанцию в европейском футболе, провести расследование данного инцидента, сделать соответствующие выводы о состоянии дел в российской футбольной премьер-лиге. По нашему мнению, в случае необходимости, УЕФА имеет право заставить РФС принять меры для борьбы с таким позорным явлением, как договорные игры, а при отсутствии прогресса в данной сфере, наложить санкции, включая отстранение от еврокубков и международных турниров на уровне сборных.
Уважаемый господин Платини,
Мы, миллионы российских болельщиков, любим нашу страну, любим российский футбол, и всячески поддерживаем российские команды в еврокубковых турнирах и в международных матчах сборных. Однако мы считаем позорным такое явление, как договорные игры, и готовы поддержать УЕФА в борьбе с нечистоплотными футбольными функционерами и всеми теми, кто погружает российский футбол, начавший свою историю с чистого листа в 1992 г., в отвратительную бездну коррупции.
Мы просим прислушаться к голосу рядового болельщика, который, видя такие «матчи», к сожалению, начинает испытывать отвращение к такой замечательной игре, как футбол, который давно стал религией, делающей счастливыми миллионы людей, в том числе и в России. Однако после спектаклей, подобных вышеуказанному, у людей пропадает всякое желание отдавать в футбольные школы своих детей, развивать футбол на территории нашей огромной страны, поскольку никому не хочется, чтобы его дети были простыми марионетками в руках коррумпированных чиновников!
Поэтому мы всячески рассчитываем на то, что УЕФА не отвернется от этого чёрного пятна и протянет РФС руку помощи в борьбе с грязными околофутбольными махинациями. В случае же отсутствия реакции нам будет горько сознавать, что УЕФА возьмет на себя часть ответственности за равнодушие в отношении РФС – одного из своих подопечных.
Уважаемый господин Платини,
Мы не желаем мириться с коррупцией в российском футболе. Мы не желаем, чтобы это очерняло славную футбольную историю нашей страны, и косвенно ложилось черным пятном на репутацию УЕФА, олицетворяющей право и справедливость в европейской футбольной семье, членом которой является Россия.
Просим Вас рассмотреть указанную ситуацию, предпринять соответствующие меры, и быть последовательным в своих решениях.
С уважением,

English translation.

To president of UEFA Michel Platini

Dear Sir Platini,
We, millions of Russian fans, like other Europeans, do love football and consider that Russian Football Union (RFS) as a member both of FIFA and UEFA, must obey to the principles of fair play, are protesting against the situation in contemporary Russian football.
It is no secret for everyone that occasionally in the society go rumours about strange matches in Premier-league – the top division in Russian football championship. The rumors were confirmed on 28 august 2010 in the match of 19th round of Russian football championship-2010 between the teams “Amkar” (Perm) and “Rostov” (Rostov-on-the-Don). A few days before the match the public learned from bookmakers, taking bets on games, about possible fixed game between two these clubs, which, on 27 august 2010, took, accordingly, 14th and 5th places in the standings. However, the bet on the victory of “Amkar” – weaker team than “Rostov”, before the match, became popular: unhesitatingly fans without any apparent reason did bet on the victory of “Amkar” (which in the table is 14th from 16 teams) eight times more (!) than on the victory of “Rostov”, which is 5th that is in “UEFA zone”. A number of bookmaker’s offices canceled taking bets on the match. Specialists predicted: Russian football shall wait for the fixed match, in which “Amkar” shall deliberately win. Sports mass-media made Russian Football Union (RFS) to pay attention to this strange situation: RFS sent a commissar to observe the match and demanded both teams to show fair football.
But 28 of august 2010 the match that took place in Perm, confirmed fears of specialists: “Amkar” won 1:0, while players of “Rostov” during 90 minutes struck no more than one 1 shot on the goal of the opponent (0 shots on target!). Disgraceful spectacle, demonstrated by both teams, forces Russian fans to call UEFA as the supreme instance in European football, to make an independent investigation of given incident and to draw conclusions about the state of affairs in the Russian football Premier-league. In our opinion, if it is necessary, UEFA has a right to make RFS to take measures in the struggle against such a shameful phenomenon as fixed matches; if there is no success in such field UEFA has a right to impose sanctions, including dismissal from European cup competitions and international competitions on the level of national teams.
Dear Sir Platini,
We, millions of Russian fans, do love our country, do love Russian football, and we try our best to support Russian teams in European cup competitions and in international matches between national teams. However we consider such a phenomenon as fixed games to be shameful and we are ready to support UEFA in its struggle against dishonorable football functionaries and against all these who drown Russian football (which wiped the slate clean in its history in 1992), in the disgusting abyss of corruption.
We ask you to listen a voice of ordinary fan, who, while observing such “matches”, unfortunately, begins to feel loathing to this wonderful game as football, which for a long time ago became a religion making happy millions of people, including Russia. But after spectacles like foregoing one, people lose the desire to send their children to football schools and to develop football on the territory of our huge country, because no one wants his children to be no more than a puppet in hands of corrupted functionaries!
That’s why we do the best all we can to expect that UEFA shall not turn away from this black spot and shall give a hand to RFS in the struggle against dirty machinations in the field of football. If there will be no any reaction from UEFA we will be sad to realize that UEFA will be partially responsible for being indifferent in relation to Russian Football Union - one of its supervisees.
Dear Sir Platini,
We don’t want to accept corruption in Russian football. We don’t want corruption to denigrate the glorious football history of our country and to lie as a black spot on the reputation of UEFA which personifies right and justice in the European football family, including Russia as its member.
We do ask you to examine the given situation, to take measures and to be consistent in your decisions.


воскресенье, 22 августа 2010 г.

Лучшее на сегодня

Теперь о том, что даром сегодня у нас...

Русенборг - Мольде П1 1,65
Porto - Beira-Mar П1 1,17
ПСЖ - Бордо Х1 1,33
Алания - Анжи П1 1.87


суббота, 7 августа 2010 г.

Фавориты дня текущего

Вчера все выглядело так...
Химено-Травер Д - Мертен Я। Выиграет хотя бы один сет Химено-Травер Д : Да 1.2
Ли На - Кербер А. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Ли На : Да 1.09
Маю Н. - Милло В. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Маю Н. : Да 1.16
Чилич М. - Типсаревич Я. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Чилич М. : Да 1.17
Налбандян Д. - Симон Ж. 1 1.35

А сегодня будет так...

11:35 Новая Зеландия - Австралия 1 1.1
13:00 Сеппи А. - Келлерер Д. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Сеппи А. : Да 1.13
13:30 Саут Сидней Ребитоус - Вест Тайгерс 2 1.53
18:50 Химено-Травер Д. - Милло В. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Химено-Травер Д. : Да 1.16
20:00 Шахтер Дн - Севастополь 1 1.1
21:00 Багдатис М. - Малисс К. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Багдатис М. : Да 1.3
22:00 Стараче П. - Хаасе Р. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Стараче П. : Да 1.19
03:00 Налбандян Д. - Чилич М. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Налбандян Д. : Да 1.26

пятница, 6 августа 2010 г.

Фафориты дня текущего

Надо бы конечно подводить итоги, но поверьте, в такую жару многие вещи сделать кажется просто невозможным। Но, пропустить такую замечательную фотографию такого замечательного человека и не дать вам серию новых верняков, часть из котрых уже успешно прошла, не могу ну никак...

Химено-Травер Д. - Мертен Я. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Химено-Травер Д. : Да 1.21
Ли На - Кербер А. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Ли На : Да 1.09
Маю Н. - Милло В. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Маю Н. : Да 1.16
Чилич М. - Типсаревич Я. Выиграет хотя бы один сет Чилич М. : Да 1.17
Налбандян Д. - Симон Ж. 1 1.३5

среда, 4 августа 2010 г.


20:30 Зенит - Униреа 1 1.25
21:10 FC Copenhagen - BATE 1.58
22:15 Фенербахче - Янг Бойз Проход 1 1.17
21:45 Basel - Debreceni VSC 1.28
22:00 D. Zagreb - Serif Tiraspol 1.50
22:30 Salzburg - Omonia 1.60
22:45 Rosenborg - AIK 1.36
22:45 Селтик - Брага Брага ИТМ2(2.5) 1.07
03:00 Брайан Б./Брайан М. - Кортни Э./Шабаз М. 1 1.05
04:30 Бердых Т. - Турсунов Д. 1 1.1

воскресенье, 1 августа 2010 г.

Фавориты на сегодня

16:00 Феттель С. Победитель (место с 1 по 10) Да 1.13
18:00 Basel - St. Gallen: П1 1.27
18:00 Выиграет хотя бы один сет: Павлюченкова А.: Да 1.2;
18:00 Тэйлор Ф. - Уолш М. 1 1.04
18:30 Мальме - ГАИС 1х 1.10
20:00 Rosenborg - Haugesund П1 1.30

Querrey Waits For Murray While Cahill Nixes Coaching Rumors

Those who came out to watch the semifinals of the Farmers Classic in Los Angeles certainly got their monies worth as both matches went the distance. But in the end, the expected final meeting between top seeds Andy Murray and Sam Querrey was booked for Sunday despite both players not showing their best form all week. Meanwhile, during tonight’s Andy Murray/Feliciano Lopez semifinal, ESPN analyst Darren Cahill addressed the circulating rumors that he might become Murray’s full-time coach. Cahill simply said, “That can’t be me.”

The afternoon’s matchup between local favorite Sam Querrey and the charismatic Janko Tipsarevic went almost three hours before Querrey prevailed 6-7, 7-6, 6-4. Many expected Querrey to hit through the shorter Tipsarevic, but it was Tipsarevic who moved Querrey around, mixed up his serves to great effectiveness and forced the American to come up with some spectacular shots, especially in the second set tiebreak, when down 5-1, Querrey hit a stab backhand while Tipsarevic was up at net that eventually forced an error from the Serb. Querrey rallied to take the second set breaker but lost his serve early in the third set. However, Tipsarevic couldn’t keep the momentum going as he gave back the break and then in the final game found himself losing in the rallies to the steadier Querrey who managed to keep his emotions in check after earlier in the tournament he described himself as “Debbie Downer” for getting too negative on court in close moments.

In the night session, Murray raced off with the first set 6-0 and it wasn’t until Lopez held for the first time at 1-1 in the second set that Lopez seemed to to finally relax. After that, the Spanish lefty starting swinging away, especially with a topspin backhand that pinned Murray to the baseline allowing Lopez to come into net with ease. Along with being frustrated with Lopez’s play, Murray used up all his challenges early and was never really happy with any of the line calls. The second set went to Lopez also in a flash but by the start of the third, errors crept back into Lopez’s game giving Murray an early break that he never let go of. Murray took the match 6-0, 1-6, 6-4 after Lopez netted an easy forehand.

After the match, Lopez said he felt nervous in the opening stages and had some difficulty adjusting to the lights having not played a night match during the event. When asked why the third set slipped away from him, Lopez said, “After beating (James) Blake yesterday I was so confident and I was looking forward to playing against Andy. But against the No. 4 player in the world you always need something more to win.”

But probably the biggest news was made off of the court when during the ESPN broadcast of the Murray/Lopez match, Cliff Drysdale asked fellow analyst Darren Cahill to speak to the rumors that he might become Murray’s new coach. Cahill, who repeated Murray’s reasoning that he needs someone full-time, simply said, “That can’t be me.” and cited his prior commitments to working for ESPN and his consulting duties with the Adidas Player Development Team.

Murray, who hasn’t lost a set to Querrey in four previous meetings, will be looking to win his first ATP title this year while Querrey seeks his third title of the year having already won Memphis, Belgrade and Queen’s Club (London).

Formula 1: Hungaroring 2010. 30.07.2010 - 01.08.2010.

Ferrari Fernando Alonso thought it was ridiculous that his teammate overtake him at the German Grand Prix during the race while Massa felt dissapointed over conceding the top prize after a team order. This could yet happen again in Hungary and this time it won't be just a small punishment either. The Ferraris are making a late surging charge against both the Red Bulls and McLarens.

2010 Formula 1 Eni Magyar Nagydij

Time is running out for some teams that want to join the race for the titles this season. August is just around the corner while most of the top halves of the F1 drivers are putting a marker for November in the final hurdle to the top. Budapest will serve another running battle for the Red Bulls, McLaren and Ferrari. The Hungarian grand prix will be held from 30th July to the 1st of August. The 11th race of the season will see a competitive edge where the leader board can change and the McLarens are becoming the hunted animals.

The race circuit is 4.381km with the race distance at 308.883km. All drivers’ will need to complete 70 laps to be crowned as champion of the circuit and Michael Schumacher who holds the record of the lap time of 1:19.071 still stands since 2004. 2008 F1 champion Lewis Hamilton won this race in 2009 in the Brawn-Mercedes car.

Team orders

Under certain rules in F1, team orders are illegal but that did not stop Ferrari from using it in the German Grand Prix to secure a one-two finish with Fernando Alonso as the preferred winner than to Felipe Massa who was leading from the first corner of lap 1. This resulted in slap on the wrist of $100,000 as Ferrari breach the sporting regulation of Rob Smedley give instruction over the team radio for Massa to give way for Alonso. An unhappy Massa was definitely not amused in the press conference and he will be subjected to more torrid decision in the future if Ferrari wants to be among the final hurdle.

The McLarens have yet to find themselves in a similar situation like the Red Bulls and Ferraris when it comes to teamwork. Both Lewis Hamilton and Jensen Button finished in 4th and 5th in Hockenheim but rarely threaten the podium trio. Red Bull Sebastian Vettel started from pole position but conceded easily to the Ferraris in the first corner of the first lap to finish third. Team mate Mark Webber found himself behind the McLarens and finished in 6th place. Fernando Alonso has suddenly emerged back in the contentions for the driver’s title with only 34 points behind Lewis Hamilton in the leader board. McLarens still dominates the top spots with Jensen at 143 while Red Bull hot on their heels with Vettel and Webber tied at 136.

Bringing it on

If you are not part of the top then you might as well do your best to spoil the party and that’s what Robert Kubica likes to do. He is certainly showing that he can come out to challenge but maybe not with Renault as the engine still requires a bit of work to match the pace of the Red Bulls. Kubica finished 7th respectfully followed by the Mercedes pair of Nico Rosberg and Michael Schumacher, while Kubica’s team mate, Vitaly Petrov gain a point in the German grand prix. The middle pack is fighting their own battle with Rosberg in the lead with 94 points. If the top half is exciting then the middle pack makes up the kick.


The last three years, the Hungarian grand prix has seen a McLaren cars running away with victory in three consecutive years. Lewis Hamilton won in 2007 and 2009 while team mate, Jensen Button, won in 2006 with his Honda car. The McLarens have a good track record at the Hungaroring but they are struggling for pace and it showed in Germany. Red Bull will be pushing once again and only a mistake will take their win away from them. The Ferraris might self destruct as Massa is showing signs of discontent of being second fiddle to Alonso, if that’s the case then Massa might not help Alonso to claim the grand title of being the F1 champion. Will have to stick with Red Bull once again as Vettel has shown, he’s got the car, got the pace but just prone to little mistake and he is a faster learner.